SCM Radio March 20 CFMU 93.3 - INDI 101.5 March 22 2024

For music submission and Interview consideration email

Wednesday, March 20 2024, 1 pm - 3 pm. On the dial in GHA 93.3 CFMU Online . SCM Friday, March 22, 2024 4pm - 7pm on INDI 1015 FM on the dial , online .

Interview this week. Nicholas Campbell!

When I heard Nicholas Campbell I was wondering if he was from the states? His music is Rockabilly and Western Swing. My old man brain couldn't wrap my head around someone like him could be doing this kind of music from Peterborough Ontario. Nicholas tells us how he got started, playing with bands in Peterborough and branching out into the music scene.

Catch Nicholas at Clifford Brewing on March 23 2024 ⁠ ⁠

You can find out more info here ⁠

I got the word about Russ from my buddy Jamie. Russ Wilson passed away and I was floored. It hit me like it hit 14 years ago when when I took a call on air from Brodie that Dan Achen past. These guys took me out on the road as a young man and taught me about laughing, loving your friends, fighting with your friends and protecting them. No matter how crappy I felt I would always bounce back when I heard Russ laugh and voice “ How’s it going fella” or “ What’s going on Jaime?” I know it sounds silly but Russ had that effect of joy on me. It was shared on stage and the audience loved it when he performed. My heart goes out to his family and Tom and Ray.

Statement from Junkhouse ( Tom Wilson)


Rave On Russel Wilson

“We look into the faces of wild things to try and see ourselves. We want to know what part of us might live in there behind the eyes. Russel was a live wire, powerful, off his rocker, loving, conducting the spirits and hanging on by a thread. It’s impossible for me to even imagine knowing anyone like him again in this lifetime. He was funny as Hell , unpredictable, incredibly talented, loud, sensitive and he could scare the shit out of ya if you weren’t paying attention. I was lucky enough to the go deep into the trenches with him. We ran around globe together in our band taking on stages from Belgium to Brantford. We played in castles and in barrooms and hockey arenas living on a very long road and we had the best time of our lives . Russel was guided by instincts not by sight and he ignited pure fire at high volume, came out swinging’ with a bass around his neck that he made look like a ukulele. “

“The lord never patted him on the head but he may have booted him in the ass a couple of times. He was out of this world as long as we knew him and now he’s closer to us than he’s ever been.”

Music for 1pm - 3pm

The Maysides

Lost Astronaut


Math Club

Nicholas Campbell



SCM chat with Brad Hedon March 15 2024


SCM chat with Nicholas Campbell March 15 2024