SCM Radio Oct 18 CFMU 93.3 - INDI 101.5 Oct 20 2023
Wednesday, Oct 18, 2023, 1 pm - 3 pm. On the dial in GHA 93.3 CFMU Online . SCM Friday, Oct 20, 4pm - 7pm on INDI 1015 FM on the dial , online .
On the show, we cover what is going on around the GHA.
Interviews this week!
Robin and I must have talked for 7hrs the other day. It has always been like that since we back in the early 90's. I think we sound like 2 four year old kids testing out the words we learned that day! Robin and I catch up on what the bands up to and the upcoming shows they have in November. I think she with be Tour Managing Junkhouse on some upcoming shows! hahaha :)
P.S Oatmeal raisin cookies are better than Oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. Tommy Stinson told me!
TIX - Molinaro / Steel City Music & Steelore Present:Gene Champagne and The Un-Teens with guest Rocket and The Renegades and Spectacular Crash
' It's a Rock n Roll Food Drive' for Hamilton Food Share.
We encourage a non perishable food item donation at the show.Donations can also be made to our Food Share event by going to this link
Rocket & The Renegades Live at Pick's 60th Birthday Bash
With Special guests The 4 D's
Nov 5th 6-9pm
Shawn & ED's Brewery , 65 Hatt St Dundas
Link to Rocket & The Renegades
Andrew and I had a quick chat after a Silvertone Hills band practice. They released " Big Empty Sky" and have a upcoming release show here in Hamilton Ontario. In the chat we find out the progression of the band, and working with others to take that next step in the band's career.
Mills Hardware Presents Silvertone Hills Mills Hardware, Hamilton, ON Sat Oct 21 at 8:00pm EDT Ages 19 & over|Doors open at 7:00PM Tix to the Hamilton show
Link to Silvertone Hills
The Casbah Presents,
with guests Southwood Collect (Brantford/HamONT pop-punk)
8PM | Licensed/All-Ages | Tickets ($15) at the door
Casbah Main Hall
Music for 6pm hour on INDI 1015 FM online
JUNKHOUSE, the iconic alternative rock band led by Tom Wilson that took the 90s by storm, is celebrating the 30th anniversary of their seminal album, "Strays" with an exclusive tour. They stop at Bridgeworks on December 1st - tickets on sale now at!
Get Tix
Tune into The King of Fun Lou Molinaro ! LOU'S CONTROL on 93.3 CFMU - WEDNESDAYS from 3pm - 5pm
SCM airs every Wednesday 1 pm - 3pm on 93.3 CFMU FM
SCM airs every Friday 4 pm - 7 pm on INDI 1015 FM
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