APRILmania 2 //April 22 @Corktown Pub
APRIL 22 // APRILmania 2 // The Corktown Pub
APRIL - www.facebook.com/aprilmusic.xo
After The Lounge - www.afterthelounge.com
CJ SLEEZ - www.cjsleez.ca
The BIG HEAVY - https://www.facebook.com/thebigheavycanada
$10 advance // $15 at the door.
First band at 8:30
Advance tickets here; https://www.eventbrite.com/.../aprilmania-2-tickets...
SCM airs every Wednesday 1 pm - 3pm on 93.3 CFMU FM https://cfmu.ca/
SCM airs every Friday 4 pm - 6 pm on INDI 1015 FM https://indi1015.ca/
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