"UNKNOWN PLEASURES" Revisited - Paying Homage to the 1979 Debut Record Joy Division (Live Band) April 1 @The Casbah
The Casbah Presents,
Performing the 1979 Joy Division debut record (with additional JD songs) will be Hamilton Joy Division worshippers, "WE AREN'T JOY DIVISION".
These young lads know where it's at, and pay tribute to one of the most important bands in underground becoming above ground music.
"Unknown Pleasures" began being recorded on April 1st, 1979 so...
4-7pm | Suggested fee $10 at the door | All-Ages | Casbah Main Hall
**this show is the precursor to our monthly 80s Night, "Risky Business"
Follow We Aren't Joy Division on Instagram @wearentjoydivision
The Casbah
306 King Street West, Hamilton, ON, Canada, Ontario
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